Gospel Workers in China: 2nd Quarter Project

Support Gospel Work in China

Cities across China in which there are no Seventh-day Adventist churches have been identified, and you are invited to be  a part of planting churches in these unentered concrete jungles. Your prayers for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit are needed so that Chinese teams of two will begin the work of sowing seeds in these unentered cities.

This is very difficult work on many fronts. Though the amount varies from city to city, the average it takes to support a team is US$700/person/month. China is not a dirt-cheap place to live anymore, and so it is important that workers receive a livable wage so they can focus on the task at hand. If you would like to be a part of supporting a front-line church-planting team, any amount you share toward this end will be helpful and make a difference for Kingdom growth in China. 

Gospel Workers in China: 2nd Quarter Project

Bill Wynne

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