Church Plant in Romania

Church Plant in Romania

The little church is located in a small village with 508 residents.  The first Seventh-day Adventist in this village is now 84 years old and he donated to the Romanian Conference a part of his land to build a church. The Conference owns the property and the building and they promised to make a $3000 contribution to help them finish the project and be able to meet at church.
The church has 13 adult members and 12 children and relatives who attend regularly and are getting ready for baptism. The most recent baptisms, which were during the pandemic were a 20 year old girl and a 14 year old girl. There is potential for the future. 

As you can see in the pictures these are poor people with very few resources. 
In order to finish the work and be ready to worship in the new church they need to:
  • Finish the restrooms in the basement
  • Build a fence around the property (all Romanian properties are fenced).
  • Pave the front yard access to the building.
  • Paint the exterior lower part of the building.
  • Buy and install the carpet and the chairs (The pulpit has been paid for by my friend, the local pastor).
  • Buy and install the propane heating system (they don’t use AC, just heating). 
The cost of materials for all these things is estimated to $9000 but since the Conference has promised $3000, they need about $6000. They are planning to do all the work by themselves; therefore, the cost of labor is not included.  
Church Plant in Romania

Bill Wynne

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