23 March 2025
Speaker: Rudy Bata
Topic: cleopas, cleophas, discouraged, emmaus, jesus, resurrection
The resurrection of Jesus was the most important day in history. It brought an end to the lies of the devil and life to the saints.
3 November 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: elisha, miracle, prophet, resurrection, shunamite
The sacrifice and faith of the Shunamite woman saved both herself and her son. God worked miracles on her behalf in response to her love.
24 August 2024
Speaker: Rudy Bata
Topic: compassion, jesus, mount hermon, nain, resurrection, son, widow
The compassion of Jesus is so well illustrated in the story of the Widow of Nain and the resurrection of her dead son.
7 April 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: elijah, prophet, resurrection, widow, zarephath
The Prophet Elijah asks a widow to feed him her last meal that she was planning on eating with her young son and then starving to death.
30 March 2024
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: first fruits, jesus, passover, resurrection, tomb
The resurrection of Jesus from the dead established victory over death and the grave and assures us that eternal life is ours.
24 April 2021
Speaker: Don Yancheson
Topic: jesus, power, resurrection
The resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ stands as a guarantee to the Christian that they to can be raised from the dead.