3 November 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: elisha, miracle, prophet, resurrection, shunamite
The sacrifice and faith of the Shunamite woman saved both herself and her son. God worked miracles on her behalf in response to her love.
20 October 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
It is said, “Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.” Do you feel overwhelmed by life? Go to God and tell Him about it; He does care.
7 April 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: elijah, prophet, resurrection, widow, zarephath
The Prophet Elijah asks a widow to feed him her last meal that she was planning on eating with her young son and then starving to death.
16 October 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Balaam was a prophet who was asked to curse Israel for reward, and Balaam was covetous, but God made it clear it was not His will.
27 March 2022
Speaker: Rudy Bata
Topic: arrows, contentment, death, east window, elisha, joash, prophet
Discover a few of the last events of the prophet Elisha’s life involving King Joash and the prophecy Elijah with Rudy Bata.