February Events: Spring is in the Air in Blue Ridge, Georgia

Do You Know Someone That Wants to Get the Newsletter?

If you know of anyone that you think would like to receive the church newsletter via email? 

If so, please submit their email address using the contact page. 

If you have any items you would like to share with our church family?

If so, use the contact page and submit the news by the last day of each month for the next issue of the newsletter. 

Thank you and God Bless you all! Myron

Seven Ukuleles for Special Music

show the young people playing ukuleles for special music

The sound of the Ukulele can bring our minds to a scene of a beautiful moonlit night in Hawaii by the ocean where you can hear the gentle waves touching the sandy beach. The wind is blowing through the palms and there is a community gathered for a luau celebration. 

On the Sabbath of February 6, the youth brought the sounds of Hawaii to the church service and the sound was heavenly. 

Becky's Baptism on the 20th

It is always such a blessing to witness a baptism! This Sabbath Becky was baptized into Christ’s death that she might rise in His resurrection and live with Him forever!

Becky first reached out to our church through the website just before covid changed the way that we were living. Over the last number of months she was able to study the Bible with Jan House and Kerry Fannon and made her decision to stand for Jesus!

We are blessed to have Becky as a member of our community.   

It Was Great to See Phil

It is always great when Phil Mills comes back to our church to share some of his passion about the Gospel. His sermon, “I’ve Got a Secret” was both challenging and inspiring. It is a message that deserves a listen, even twice.  

February Events: Spring is in the Air in Blue Ridge, Georgia

Fannin County SDA Church

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