Why Didn’t Zoar Burn When Sodom and Gomorrah Did?
The Story of Sodom and …
Fannin County Seventh-day Adventist Church
Phone: 706 686-4788
Getting to know God as a friend is an experience that brings peace, love, and joy to your life.
Located just outside of Blue Ridge, Georgia, the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Fannin County has been actively serving local residents through community services at the Better Living Center, Christian radio WAQA 94.5 FM, and spiritual and health seminars.
Every week there are three events that are available at the Blue Ridge Church; Community Services, the Midweek Bible Study, and the Sabbath Church Service. These events are for all people.
We are a church that wants to always be learning and growing. There is a lot of suffering in the world today and we believe that the Bible and Science offer solutions to many of the pains of society. We make these meetings public so everyone can benefit. Join us for the meetings that you like.
Call: 706 - 686 - 4788
We don’t want anyone to miss the chance to be a part of the church service here in Blue Ridge. We are sorry you can’t be with us for the fellowship but we understand that there are many reasons why getting to church is not always possible.
We are using YouTube to stream our Sabbath School and Church Service on the Internet. This button will bring you to another webpage that will have the video.
Most church services are recorded and we make them available for those who were unable to attend as well as research tools when you need to remember something that was shared.
23 March 2025
Speaker: Rudy Bata
Topic: cleopas, cleophas, discouraged, emmaus, jesus, resurrection
The resurrection of Jesus was the most important day in history. It brought an end to the lies of the devil and life to the saints.
15 March 2025
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: build, edify, holy spirit, paul, spiritual gifts
Knowing which gifts God has blessed you with for the upbuilding of His church is a wonderful thing, and then use them to hasten His coming.
8 March 2025
Speaker: Myron House
Topic: amazing grace, hymn, john newton
Hear about the turbulent life of John Newton, the author of Amazing Grace. From slave trader to pushing to end slavery in the UK.
1 March 2025
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: angels, dothan, faith, kind of syria, prophet elisha, syrian army
The Syrian army had surrounded Dothan in an attempt to capture the Prophet Elisha. Elisha’s servant was fearful until his eyes were opened.
22 February 2025
Speaker: Dennis Millburn
Tithes and offerings should be returned to God in thankfulness. It is all God’s to begin with and we are only returning a portion.
15 February 2025
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
God provided precious miracles to the Prophet Elisha and the students in the School of the Prophets. Praise the Lord!
8 February 2025
Speaker: Master Chorale
Topic: bruce ashton, God's love, jesus, master chorale, redemption, sacrafice, salvation
The Master Chorale sings the wonderous love of God in sweet tones of melody and harmony. If you listen closely you can hear the angels joining in.
25 January 2025
Speaker: Derek Morris
Topic: holy spirit, prayer, praying, scripture
When talking with God you can read scripture and claim the promises that God has made to you, us. This is a great experience.
18 January 2025
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
It is a mystery to many that the Son of God, according to the Bible, had to come and die. Here are seven reasons why.
4 January 2025
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
The coming of a new year brings a time of reflection and an opportunity to start a new beginning in our lives and improve.
28 December 2024
Speaker: Dennis Millburn
Topic: time
What is time? How do we use our time? What can I learn about time from the Bible? Does God do things on time?
21 December 2024
The birth of Jesus means a lot to the world and specifically Christians. One powerful benefit is to live a life free from the bondage of sin.
15 December 2024
Speaker: Shannon Pitman
Topic: abed nego, babylon, daniel, dura, golden image, meshach, nebuchadnezzar, plain of dura, shadrach
Three Hebrew boys that purpose in their hearts to be faithful to God defy the king of Babylon and show that the God of Israel is all powerful.
7 December 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
This is a wonderful story that involves a young girl encouraging Captain Naaman to go to the Prophet Elisha to be healed of leprosy.
30 November 2024
Speaker: Andrew Kattke
Topic: 1844, blavatsky, communist manifesto, darwin, evolution, marx, samuel morse, theosophy
The year 1844 marked the beginning of many ideas designed to undermine faith in God and the Bible. It was also important in Bible prophecy.
24 November 2024
Speaker: Tom Lighthall
Topic: change, reformation
We all need change in our lives and the time for reformation is now. Reach out to Jesus and ask Him to help you in your transformation.
17 November 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
God takes care of us with more miracles than we realize. This amazing story shows God’s power for the Prophet Elisha and students.
10 November 2024
Speaker: Tom Lighthall
Topic: dnr
3 November 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: elisha, miracle, prophet, resurrection, shunamite
The sacrifice and faith of the Shunamite woman saved both herself and her son. God worked miracles on her behalf in response to her love.
27 October 2024
Speaker: Dovlet Kakabaev, Svitlana Kakabaev
Topic: commission, kazahkstan, mission, missionary
Fulfilling the mission of bringing the good news of God’s plan of salvation is our great opportunity. Natural remedies are one way to do it.
20 October 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
It is said, “Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.” Do you feel overwhelmed by life? Go to God and tell Him about it; He does care.
13 October 2024
Speaker: Chris Fannon
While Christians are commanded by God to obey the civil authorities, Jesus said that His Kingdom is not of this world.
6 October 2024
Speaker: Derek Morris
When you know how valuable you are to God and enter into the relationship with Him, you will have abundant hope.
29 September 2024
Speaker: Ashley Hold, Ronnie Hold
Living with Jesus can start now. We have the opportunity to walk and talk with Jesus and receive His guidance daily.
22 September 2024
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: clean, foot washing, humility, submission
Submission of our hearts to the will of God is a struggle but yields the wonderful fruit of love, peace, joy and so much more.
15 September 2024
Speaker: Mark Cadavero
Topic: eye for eye, jesus, retaliation, turn the cheek
Jesus teaches us that we can have a life without the spirit of retaliation. This is possible with God’s gift of conversion.
8 September 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
This is a fascinating story in which God provides water miraculously to allow the allied forces to defeat moab.
31 August 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: bald, bear, boys, disrespect, elisha, irreverence, respect, reverence, tease
There are times that God appears to be a ruthless killer but when we look a little deeper we learn much more about the stories.
24 August 2024
Speaker: Rudy Bata
Topic: compassion, jesus, mount hermon, nain, resurrection, son, widow
The compassion of Jesus is so well illustrated in the story of the Widow of Nain and the resurrection of her dead son.
17 August 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
How can throwing salt in water heal the water? Find out in this message about the Prophet Elisha in the book of 2 Kings.
10 August 2024
Speaker: Myron House
Using Civil War history, Myron uses the experience of Joshua Chamberlain from Maine to teach lessons from the Bible.
3 August 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Elisha was committed to follow the Prophet Elijah for the rest of his life and he succeed Elijah. Hear about it in this message.
28 July 2024
Speaker: Bill Wynne
Topic: jesus, sanctuary, tabernacle, veil
The Israelite Sanctuary is full of wonderful lessons placed there by God about the plan of salvation. Learn about the veils in this sermon.
21 July 2024
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: as you are, communion, jesus, love
Do you feel like it is possible that God does not care for you? This is a common thought that comes to everyone’s mind…
13 July 2024
Speaker: Phil Mills
Topic: call to prayer, esau, jacob, prayer
In every difficulty we are to see a call to prayer. Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend. Simple, talk with God openly.
6 July 2024
What do you do when a crisis strikes in your life? Listen to Derek share three proven steps that have been used by billions of people.
29 June 2024
Speaker: Nicholas Hold
God has many promises in the Bible for men and women and this is one Bible reference that brings a lot of comfort when difficulty strikes.
23 June 2024
Speaker: Tom Lighthall
The disciples of Jesus were often confused and fearful, but after Pentecost and receiving the Holy Spirit, they were new men.
15 June 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
God selected the farmer Elisha to be Israel’s successor to the prophet Elijah, and Elisha asked for a double portion of the spirit.
9 June 2024
A life of peace can be ours through a close aquaintance with Jesus. Discord Him and experience what He wants for your life.
3 June 2024
Speaker: Chris Fannon
Topic: forgive, forgiveness
Forgiveness is powerful and multidimensional in its effects upon ourselves when we forgive and on the one forgiven.
25 May 2024
Speaker: Tom Lighthall
Topic: jesus, simon, turn, turning point
A time comes to everyone at which they decide whether or not it will be a turning point. A time to turn their eyes upon Jesus.
18 May 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
The prophet Elijah is part of a momentous victory with the slaying of 450 prophets of baal but then is filled with fear. What happened?
11 May 2024
Speaker: Master Chorale
Topic: master chorale
The Master Chorale came to bless us with a message and music. You can sense the beauty of heaven when listening to the Master Chorale.
4 May 2024
Pathfinders is a youth ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This Sabbath we got to experience the local Pathfinders.
28 April 2024
Speaker: Don Yancheson
God created all that exists in nature and when needed, He can overrule the laws that He set to govern nature.
22 April 2024
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: communion, foot washing, passover
The Communion Service reminds us we are to be servants to our neighbors. Jesus taught love and service towards all people.
14 April 2024
Speaker: Duane Maracle
Topic: God's love, paul, prodigal son, strong, weakness
The Apostle Paul had profound thoughts to share about God using the weak things of the earth to confound the wise. Powerful message.
7 April 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: elijah, prophet, resurrection, widow, zarephath
The Prophet Elijah asks a widow to feed him her last meal that she was planning on eating with her young son and then starving to death.
30 March 2024
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: first fruits, jesus, passover, resurrection, tomb
The resurrection of Jesus from the dead established victory over death and the grave and assures us that eternal life is ours.
16 March 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
The Prophet Elijah called for a contest between baal and the Lord and it was on Mt Carmel where the showdown took place.
10 March 2024
Speaker: Derek Morris
Topic: agape, God's love, jesus, parable, prodigal son, unconditional
Jesus told a profound parable illustrating the absolute, unconditional, and immeasurable love of God with the story of a prodigal son.
3 March 2024
Series: The Days of Elijah and Elisha
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
The lives of both prophets, Elijah and Elisha offer us a rich reward of lessons to apply to our current experience. First of a series.
24 February 2024
Speaker: Ronnie Hold
Successful hiking requires fitness and equipment. A plan should be made and strictly adhered to. The path to heaven is the same.
17 February 2024
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: heir, husbandmen, jesus, parable, son, vinedresser, vineyard
Jesus shared a parable that was also prophetic, revealing to the religious leaders in His time about their evil plans.
11 February 2024
Speaker: Rudy Bata
Topic: disobedience, king david, unbelief
David made a mistake when he decided to number the people. It was not according to God’s plan and the results were dire.
4 February 2024
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: great judgement, judge, sheep and goats, son of man
Jesus speaks this parable and casts a great picture about the separation of the sheep and the goats. What is it that was different?
28 January 2024
Speaker: Mark Cadavero
Topic: god's call, moses, service
When God calls us to a task, how do we respond? Do we make excuses not to fulfill the calling or do we, with faith, accept the calling?
21 January 2024
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
New beginnings can be refreshing and meaningful. This parable of Jesus brings such hope of a new beginning.
13 January 2024
Speaker: Carl Martin
13 January 2024
Speaker: Carl Martin
12 January 2024
Speaker: Carl Martin
7 January 2024
Speaker: Derek Morris
The Last Supper was preceeded by Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. This was to prepare their hearts to receive the sacred emblems.
2 January 2024
Speaker: Charles Klein
Jesus became one with us so that He might be able to relate to me, to you, and that our hearts could be knit together in love.
26 December 2023
Speaker: Ashley Hold, Ronnie Hold
The Gift of Jesus, the Son of God, was right on time for a world full of injustice, superstition, and moral decay. Prophecies fulfilled!
16 December 2023
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: advent, christmas, incarnation, jesus, messiah
The incarnation of Jesus is a great mystery, God with us, one in our flesh and bone, and experiences of life. What amazing Love!
10 December 2023
Speaker: Eric Drury
What matters most to you, to others, to God? Eric takes time to challenge us to think what does really matter most to us.
3 December 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Jesus told the parable of the rich man and Lazarus to illustrate the importance of living your one life with a focus on salvation.
25 November 2023
Things are not always what they appear to be. The Christian learns to live by faith, which changes the perspective.
20 November 2023
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Thankfulness is an important part of life. It affects our physical and mental health, relationships, and our witness to the goodness of God.
13 November 2023
Speaker: Jeff Marshall
Why is it that Jesus uses the serpent to represent Himself on the cross and brining life and health to those that look and live.
5 November 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Rich in meaning are the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin, revealing the unconditional and proactive love of Jesus.
28 October 2023
Speaker: Glenn Marshall
Signs in the world around us are spoken of in the Bible and tell of the soon coming of Jesus. It is high time to wake out of sleep.
23 October 2023
Speaker: Bill Wynne
The Word of God contains amazing things that most people are unaware of. Taste and see if you don’t hunger for more of His word.
15 October 2023
Speaker: Rudy Bata
The Biblical truth of the seventh day Sabbath as instituted at Creation was not restored by the common names of the Protestant Reformation.
4 October 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Jesus told the parable of the talents and illustrated the interest that people have in supporting the Kingdom of God.
24 September 2023
Speaker: Victor Aispuro
The risks that God took and the sacrifices made to redeem man call forth the response, “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound!”
16 September 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Jesus taught the wonderful lesson of the Good Samaritan in response to the question, “Who is my neighbor?” What a powerful lesson.
9 September 2023
Speaker: Myron House
The book of Jeremiah teaches us how the last day Christians will be treated by the unbelieving world before Jesus returns.
4 September 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
God provides for us a wedding garment to attend the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and it is important we know what it is and we wear it.
26 August 2023
Speaker: Mark Cadavero
Topic: labor
Jesus invites us to come to Him and know that we can rest as His friends and children of God. We have nothing to fear at all.
21 August 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: bridegroom, foolish, marriage, virgins, wise
Jesus spoke about five wise and five foolish virgins and the one thing that separated them when the bridegroom was coming.
13 August 2023
Speaker: Don Yancheson
It is important for a person to make forgiveness part of their life. It has an affect on a person’s health and reflects on God’s character.
5 August 2023
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: communion
The Communion Service is a special time of remembering what Jesus has done for all mankind, giving His life that we might live.
29 July 2023
Speaker: Phil Mills
Topic: bible, bible study, connected, grafted, jesus, meditation, prayer, vine
God wanted and invited Enoch to walk with Him each day in a close fashion. Jesus invites us to the same relationship if we say yes.
24 July 2023
Psalm 62 is a beautiful Psalm written by King David and demonstrates the benefits of an absolute trust in God.
16 July 2023
Speaker: Ashley Hold, Ronnie Hold
Join Ronnie and Ashley as they share their trip to the Holy Land and what they learned from their experiences where Jesus walked.
9 July 2023
Topic: path finder, pathfinder, pathfinders
By the grace of God, I will be pure, and kind, and true. I will keep the Pathfinder Law. I will be a servant of God and a friend to man.
4 July 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: jesus, parable, pharisee, publican, tax collector
The parable of Jesus regarding the Pharisee and the Publican or tax collector teaches deep lessons about the human heart and experience.
25 June 2023
Speaker: Rudy Bata
Topic: jesus, the word, word, word of god
18 June 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: eldest brother, forgiveness, loving father, prodigal son
The Prodigal Son is a favorite parable to many people. Often due to the love the father has for his son but what about the eldest brother?
11 June 2023
Speaker: Bill Wynne
Topic: angels, christ, day of atonement, investigative judgment, jesus, judgment, lucifer, sanctuary, satan, second coming, tabernacle
The Investigative Judgment takes place before the Second Coming of Jesus to verify the safety of giving eternal life to the righteous.
4 June 2023
The experiences of King Hezekiah teach us some very valuable lessons in life. Going to God for healing, revealing secrets…
28 May 2023
Speaker: Chris Fannon
Topic: dominion, everlasting, jesus, kingdom, marriage supper of the lamb, people
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb takes place in heaven, with Jesus receiving a kingdom that shall not pass away, Dan 7:14.
21 May 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: jesus, parable, persistent widow, prayer, unrighteous judge
Jesus shared the parable of the persistent widow and unrighteous judge to teach us the necessity of constant prayer and connection with God.
14 May 2023
Speaker: EW Dempsey
Topic: last day events, night, watchman
We see the signs around us in the world that Jesus spoke of as occurring just before His coming. The papacy, CBDC, and more…
7 May 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: ask, knock, persistence, seek
Jesus taught the importance of repetitive asking. Persistence with God brings blessings that we would not otherwise have.
30 April 2023
Speaker: Young People
Psalm 1 offers valuable counsel on shunning evil and walking in the ways of righteousness to stand firm and inherit eternal life.
23 April 2023
Speaker: Don Yancheson
Topic: addiction, bible study, overcome, paul, philippians, prayer, problem, resist, sin, stand firm, victory, weakness, win
Once sin entered the world, there has been an addiction to sin. Paul writes about how to have victory over this problem that we all have.
15 April 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
This short and powerful parable that Jesus told is full of the most important meaning for our salvation and eternal life.
9 April 2023
Speaker: Bruce Ashton
Topic: bruce ashton, master chorale
Song can be used to express the love of God in ways that speaking fails to do. Song brought down the walls of Jericho and much more.
2 April 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Jesus shared a parable about the growth of a seed and how it represents our spiritual growth. There is so much to learn from it.
25 March 2023
Speaker: Shannon Pitman
Nehemiah was a unique man for a special purpose that God had for him. The book of Nehemiah is packed with lessons for the church today.
20 March 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Jesus likened the Kingdom of Heaven to hidden treasure and a pearl of great price. Just what did He mean by this?
12 March 2023
Speaker: Nicholas Hold
The event of King Jehoshaphat receiving the powerful promise from God that the battle is not ours but God’s is precious.
5 March 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
The parable of the wheat and the tares is deep in meaning and teaches us practical, valuable lessons for life.
25 February 2023
Speaker: Carl Martin
Topic: evangelism, mission, missionary, sharing, study
All Christians need to have a practical walk with God in the final days of the Earth’s history, which we live in now.
25 February 2023
Speaker: Carl Martin
Topic: faith, fellowship, friendship, prayer, walking with God
All Christians need to have a practical walk with God in the final days of the Earth’s history, which we live in now.
24 February 2023
Speaker: Carl Martin
Topic: bible, reading, scriptures, study, word
All Christians need to have a practical walk with God in the final days of the Earth’s history, which we live in now.
18 February 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: good ground, good seed, jesus, parable, son of man, sower, thorns, wayside
The simplicity and yet deep lessons that Jesus teaches in the parable of the Sower are open for all to learn from.
12 February 2023
Speaker: Mark Cadavero
Topic: beatitudes, blessed, infirmity, paul, poor in spirit, thorn in my flesh, weakness
The Apostle Paul had a thorn in his flesh and prayed for it to be removed, but God said His strength is made perfect in weakness.
4 February 2023
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: caleb, israel, joshua, mountain, promised land
Caleb was past 80 years of age but had a zeal for the God of Israel and is a beautiful example today of faithfulness.
28 January 2023
Speaker: Ronnie Hold
Topic: disciple, discipleship, fishermen, fishers of men, jesus
To be a disciple of Jesus fulfills many hearts needs that a person has, as well as making them a vessel for God to shine through.
22 January 2023
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
The story of Achan reveals valuable lessons of covetousness when just on the border of going into the Heavenly Canaan.
16 January 2023
Speaker: Myron House
Topic: new years resolution
Many people have already given up on their New Year’s Resolutions. Here is some food for thought.
7 January 2023
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Rahab and her family were spared from the destruction of Jericho due to her faith in the God of Heaven and Earth.
1 January 2023
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: ark of the covenant, jericho, joshua, shout, trumpets
Jericho was a strong fortress with walls that could not be conquered, but the Israelite people had God on their side.
24 December 2022
Speaker: Don Yancheson
A person’s perspective on the Christmas season changes over time, and Don shares many of his memories.
18 December 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: caleb, jordan river crossing, joshua, red sea crossing
From the Red Sea to the Jordan River, the wilderness experiences of the Israelites provide Christians today with many valuable lessons.
10 December 2022
Speaker: Dennis Millburn
Topic: god, providence
God is constantly sending communications to us that will guide us into paths of happiness and fulfillment. Learn to see His providences.
4 December 2022
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Jesus gave much more of Himself for lost humanity than many people know. Before and after the cross, sacrifices were made that cause wonder.
27 November 2022
Speaker: Duane Maracle
Discover that there is a lot to learn from the message of Jesus to the Church of Laodicea in the Book of Revelation, chapter 3.
20 November 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Just before Israel went into Canaan, they sinned against the Lord when they worshipped Baal Peor in pagan rituals.
12 November 2022
Speaker: Phil Mills
There are consequences to not being truthful, and those consequences can be much further reaching than we may realize, according to the Bible.
6 November 2022
Speaker: Derek Morris
Philip, the deacon, had several experiences after accepting the call of God to ministry. Get the highlights.
29 October 2022
Speaker: Rudy Bata
Topic: asa, faith, king of judah, reformation, victory
Asa, King of Judah, is little spoken of but has a life worth our study. His faith in God and leading reformation are highlights.
23 October 2022
Speaker: Ronnie Hold
Topic: lifestyle, Revelation
Those that follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth have a lifestyle consistent with their faith. Learn more about it.
16 October 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Balaam was a prophet who was asked to curse Israel for reward, and Balaam was covetous, but God made it clear it was not His will.
9 October 2022
Speaker: Mark Cadavero
Topic: canaan, numbers, promised land
The 12 spies sent by Moses to bring a report about the land of Canaan did not go as hoped. Only 2 of the 12 proved faithful.
2 October 2022
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: communion, foot washing, last supper, passover
Communion commemorates the acts of Jesus’ last days on the earth; washing the feet of His disciples and giving His live to set all of us free.
25 September 2022
Speaker: Ronnie Hold
In the book of Revelation, we see three crucial characteristics of the Christians that exist at the end of time.
18 September 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: bashan, israel, og, second chance
After Israel’s first failure to enter the promised land, they return to the same situation, will they conquer Canaan this time?
10 September 2022
Speaker: Chris Fannon
“Oh how sweet to trust in Jesus” are the words of a loved hymn. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
4 September 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: brazen serpent, christ, firey serpents, hangs on a tree, jesus, lifted up
Jesus referred to this story when speaking with Nicodemus that evening when Jesus gave the wonderful promise of life to all who look and live.
27 August 2022
Speaker: Myron House
Christianity is all about relationships with love as the foundation. We are friends with God, and we invite others to experience the same.
20 August 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: impatience, Jesus the Rock, meekness, moses, strike the rock, the meekest man
Moses and the children of Israel were close to entering the Promised Land but Moses patience runs out and he makes a huge mistake.
14 August 2022
Speaker: Nicholas Hold
When you commit your ways to the Lord and have the heart to help people understand more about God’s love, you can expect miracles.
7 August 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
The story of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram shines a bright light on the need of respect for leadership and following the will of God.
30 July 2022
Speaker: Phil Colburn
Topic: faithfulness, god's people, my people, the remnant, wayward israel
There are four steps to faithfulness outlined in 2 Chronicles 7:14. A wonderful formula to check ourselves and understand true faithfulness.
30 July 2022
Speaker: Darron Boyd
Topic: God's love, islam, love, martyr, middle east, miracles, missionaries, missionary, muslilm, romans 8:38, separation
The prayer in Romans 8:38 says that nothing, absolutely nothing, can separate us from the Love of God. Do you believe this?
17 July 2022
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
The Last Supper contains amazing lessons of the love of Jesus for all of humanity. May we come closer and closer to Jesus.
10 July 2022
Jeptha is not a well-known figure in the Bible but he does play an important part in delivering Israel from other nations.
3 July 2022
Speaker: Mark Cadavero
26 June 2022
Speaker: Shannon Pitman
Topic: beatitudes, jesus, sermon on the mount
The standard of Christianity “Christ-likeness” is a high calling but God will work with you, you are never alone.
18 June 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
12 men, one from each of the 12 tribes of Israel were sent to Canaan to spy out the land and bring a report back to Moses.
12 June 2022
Speaker: Bill Wynne
Topic: chastise, chastisement, fruit, growth, prune
Jesus uses pruning a plant to illustrate the experience of growing in Christ and going through a transformation to become more fruitful.
5 June 2022
Speaker: Nicholas Hold
Topic: evangelism, jonah, nineveh, reformation, revival, share, sharing
In the book of Jonah we find one of the most amazing revivals and reformations of all Biblical history. One that is often overlooked.
29 May 2022
Speaker: Myron House
Topic: prophecy
Amos 3:7 from the Bible tells us that God will not do things without showing His plans to the prophets. We can know the warning signs.
21 May 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
When Moses brother and sister challenge his leadership, God reveals His will and the siblings get a lesson in how God feels about envy.
15 May 2022
Speaker: Don Yancheson
Life is full of things that can cause us real concern. Knowing how to overcome is an important part of a happy life.
8 May 2022
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: love, mother, mothers day, proverbs 31, virtuous woman
Women have wonderful gifts of love, care, and concern. A mother’s love can be an illustration of the Love of God for us.
30 April 2022
Speaker: Chris Fannon
With the machine gun speed of crises happening in the world today, it is easy to sink into hopelessness but there is good reason for hope.
23 April 2022
Speaker: Ronnie Hold
King David had a life of ups and downs but he faithfully would come through with trusting God to lead his life.
16 April 2022
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
The Passover feast shows in every particular that Jesus is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
9 April 2022
Speaker: Pastor Fancher
Topic: canaanite woman, crumbs, dog
Jesus used a most vivid way to help the disciples understand that He was here for everyone and not the Jewish nation alone.
3 April 2022
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: communion, foot washing, service
The communion service is a special time of remembering that Jesus came to serve and calls Christians to a life of loving service.
27 March 2022
Speaker: Rudy Bata
Topic: arrows, contentment, death, east window, elisha, joash, prophet
Discover a few of the last events of the prophet Elisha’s life involving King Joash and the prophecy Elijah with Rudy Bata.
19 March 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
There are two quail stories from the Exodus of Israel in the Bible. Both events teach us valuable lessons about being a Christian.
12 March 2022
Speaker: Don Yancheson
Topic: last day events, second coming, time, time running out
With the world events taking place around us, Christians should recognize that the Second Coming of Jesus is close. What should we do?
5 March 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: complain, contentment, discontentment, fire, mixed multitude, moses, pride, taberah
Dissatisfaction and complaining while under the guidance and blessings of God are disrespectful and quite prideful. Keep them from your life.
26 February 2022
Speaker: Ronnie Hold
Topic: body, body of christ, church, gospel commission, members, mission, spread the gospel, talents
The Christian Church is symbolized by the body. Each and every part has it’s role to perform for overall wellness and success.
19 February 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: exodus, moses, sanctuary, tabernacle, wilderness
The Bible says in Psalm 77:13, “Thy Way, O God, is in the Sanctuary.” With such a statement as this of the sanctuary, we should study it.
12 February 2022
Speaker: Mark Cadavero
Topic: jesus, let this mind be in you, mind, transformation
Paul explains the awesome stepping down of Jesus from being God to serve all of mankind and we are called to have the mind of Jesus.
6 February 2022
Series: Three Angel's Messages
Speaker: Carl Martin
Pulling it all together, consider what will happen when everything on earth falls apart, leading up to the Second Coming.
6 February 2022
Series: Three Angel's Messages
Speaker: Carl Martin
Topic: garden of eden, heaven, new jerusalem
Take a journey to your heavenly home, based on the Bible’s description of the kingdom. What will it be like to meet your guardian angel?
6 February 2022
Series: Three Angel's Messages
Speaker: Carl Martin
What are the current foreshadowings of the devastating events proclaimed by the Third Angel? How can we be ready, with spiritual discernment?
5 February 2022
Series: Three Angel's Messages
Speaker: Carl Martin
Topic: babylon, fall, second angel
The second angel of Revelation 14 speaks about the fall of Babylon. What is Babylon? Why and how has it fallen and what is its impact on us?
5 February 2022
Series: Three Angel's Messages
Speaker: Carl Martin
What is the First Angel’s Message about, and what is it that hinders it’s advancement across the world? How does a walk with God prepare us?
23 January 2022
Speaker: Pastor Fancher
Time is an interesting concept, we have the past, the now, and the future. Discover some Biblical truths on the concept of time.
15 January 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Nadab and Abihu did not respect the ways of the Lord and their influence brought evil into the nation of Israel.
8 January 2022
Speaker: Don Yancheson
New Year resolutions can be short-lived and are often made a joke of. There is a better way to secure lasting changes in your life.
31 December 2021
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Jesus explained that it is hard to put new wine into old wineskins, that it is hard for people set in their ways to change their beliefs.
25 December 2021
Speaker: Nicholas Hold
Topic: christmas, gospel commission, send
Jesus was sent to earth by the Father that He might send us to reach out to others and invite them to the marriage supper of the Lamb.
17 December 2021
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Emmanuel, “God With Us”, is a most precious truth to Christians that find wonderful comfort in knowing how close God wants to come to us.
13 December 2021
Speaker: Pastor Fancher
Carroll Ledbetter was a child of the King and is now asleep to await the resurrection of the righteous to be caught up to be with the Lord.
12 December 2021
Speaker: Pastor Fancher
Have you ever wondered just how deep is God’s love for you and how often does He think of you? How long will He remember you?
4 December 2021
Speaker: Ronnie Hold
The birth of Jesus is a very significant event for many people all around the world and His birth is celebrated this time of the year.
27 November 2021
Speaker: Derek Morris
Topic: thanks, thanksgiving
Thankfulness is essential to the health of the body, mind, and spirit. Jesus offers us so much to be thankful for starting with Himself.
20 November 2021
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Nadab and Abihu were Moses’ nephews, sons of Aaron. They were spoiled, evil, and were punished for being disrespectful.
13 November 2021
Speaker: Joshua Lewis
Topic: cambodia, joshua lewis, missions
Joshua tells stories of Cambodia and how the gospel is progressing there through the local Muslim and Buddhist people.
6 November 2021
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Jesus always seeks to turn curses into blessings and that is just what He did for the tribes of Levi and Simeon.
30 October 2021
Speaker: Pastor Fancher
The apostle Peter denied the Son of God and suffered severe guilt. Discover how Jesus linked a charcoal fire to a new day for Peter.
23 October 2021
Series: Sanctuary
Speaker: Bill Wynne
Topic: day of atonement, feast days, feasts, yom kippur
The feasts that God instituted for Ancient Israel have an application and fulfillment in our day. Let’s look at the Day of Atonement.
16 October 2021
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Moses showed he possessed the same sacrificial love as Jesus when he plead that God would forgive Israel or blot him out of the book of life.
8 October 2021
Series: Sanctuary
Speaker: Daniel Chung
Topic: jesus, sanctuary, tabernacle
The psalmist tells us, “Thy Way oh God is in the Sanctuary,” and yet how few Christians know about this most important topic.
3 October 2021
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: covenant, moses, mount sinai
After a failure on the part of the Israelits to honor God, Moses goes up on the mount and there asks God to show him His Glory.
25 September 2021
The Christian battle requires God’s armor to be fully equipped as the Apostle Paul describes in the epistle to the Ephesians.
19 September 2021
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: children of israel, israelites, moses, mount sinai
The Israelites had a lot to learn and Jesus lead them to Mount Sinai to share with them some forever valuable lessons.
11 September 2021
Speaker: Don Yancheson
Are Christians aware of the signs of the times and does it cause them to be awake and preparing for the return of Jesus?
5 September 2021
Speaker: Richard Perkins
The Bible says, “and this is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom Thou has sent.”
28 August 2021
Speaker: Pastor Fancher
Did you know that there was a book written almost predicting the events of the Titanic sinking? What does this have to do with the Bible?
21 August 2021
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: communion
The communion service is a sacred service in which we recognize the blessings of the cross and the continual power to forgive and heal.
14 August 2021
Speaker: Nicholas Hold
How can God enlighten our eyes so that we as a church may be awake? Only through claiming His promises by faith.
7 August 2021
Speaker: Carroll Ledbetter
Topic: commission, peter
Peter’s restoration shows us that God can and will use anyone that gives themselves to Him for His service.
31 July 2021
Speaker: Nicholas Hold
It is not only important to ask God to bless the work that He has called us to do on earth, but it is also important how we ask Him.
25 July 2021
Speaker: Myron House
Topic: association, choosing friends, companions, influence
Keeping company with the wrong people could lead you to be accused of mistakes that you did not make. Choose your associates wisely.
17 July 2021
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: 70 elders, jethro, moses, seventy elders
Moses father-in-law suggested a wise plan to help Moses manage more than one million people and that was to institute the 70 elders.
10 July 2021
Speaker: Mark Cadavero
Topic: jesus, woman at the well
The scene of Jesus with the woman at the well is beautiful and we can learn a lot when we look closely with the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment.
3 July 2021
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: amalekites, battle, children of israel, israelites, war, wilderness
Consider the miraculous battle between the Israelites and the Amalekites and learn about holding up the hands of the leaders.
26 June 2021
Speaker: Carroll Ledbetter
Everyone wants to be happy whether they know it or not and many people are looking for happiness in the wrong places.
19 June 2021
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Jesus provided many miracles for the children of Israel as they wandered through the wilderness and He wants to do the same for us today.
12 June 2021
Speaker: Stephen Reese
Topic: budgeting, stewardship, testaments, wills
With 78% of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck, there is a great need for an understanding of budgeting.
12 June 2021
Speaker: Stephen Reese
While Christian’s sojourn here on Earth it is important to know how to manage finances. It is part of being a good steward.
5 June 2021
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: children of israel, exodus, manna, wilderness
When the children of israel wandered in the wilderness God took care of their food by providing them with manna, Angel’s Food.
29 May 2021
Do you have seemingly unanswered prayers? Do you wonder if God hears you? You know, God considers all things.
22 May 2021
Speaker: Ronnie Hold
Topic: christian experience
Ronnie Hold loves to share what makes up practical Christianity. Elements like Bible Study, prayer, and sharing God’s Love.
15 May 2021
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
There is a lot we can learn from the experiences of the Children of Israel in the wilderness after leaving Egypt.
8 May 2021
Speaker: Pastor Fancher
One Canaanite woman wanted the blessings of God so much that she was willing to classify herself with “dogs.”
1 May 2021
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: children of israel
The stories of the children of Israel leaving Egypt and traveling through the wilderness are so inspirational.
24 April 2021
Speaker: Don Yancheson
Topic: jesus, power, resurrection
The resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ stands as a guarantee to the Christian that they to can be raised from the dead.
17 April 2021
Series: Names of God
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: forgiveness, pardon
The God of the Bible has many expressions of His name, showing the many sides of His character. Eloah Selichot is God of Forgiveness.
10 April 2021
Speaker: Chuck DelValle
Topic: three angel's message
Do you like to be challenged by God’s Word? Chuck does just that in this thought-provoking message.
3 April 2021
Speaker: Shannon Pitman
There are a lot of decisions to make in life and you want to make sure you are making the best choice possible…
27 March 2021
Speaker: Pastor Fancher
The Bible tells us that the day is coming when there will be war no more and we beat swords into plowshares.
20 March 2021
Series: Names of God
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: Names of God
El Elyon means the most high God and is a comfort to believers, knowing that there is no higher power and that God loves them.
13 March 2021
Speaker: Chris Fannon
Topic: demons, evil, last day events
In the world today it appears that the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer. How do we make sense of this? Is God really Love?
6 March 2021
Series: Names of God
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: Names of God
God has many names that each show us a different aspect of who He is. This week we looked at Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts.
27 February 2021
Speaker: Phil Mills
Phil Mills always brings a message from God’s word that is on point with the movement of society. Find out what secret Phil has today.
20 February 2021
Series: Names of God
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Jehovah Rophe, “God is our healer” brings great comfort to those suffering from physical, mental, and/or emotional pain.
13 February 2021
Speaker: Don Yancheson
6 February 2021
Series: Names of God
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Jehovah Tsidkenu, “The Lord our Righteousness,” means a lot to those who know they are poor in spirit and trust in the Lord.
30 January 2021
Series: Names of God
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: redemption
Jehovah Goel means Redeemer and it is a precious truth that Jesus came to redeem us from sin and the curse of the law.
23 January 2021
Speaker: Bill Wynne
Topic: holy spirit, power
When a person connects with the Holy Spirit miracles can happen. Listen to Bill share stories from the Bible.
16 January 2021
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: communion
The communion service is a special time for church members to make sure all the relationships are right and to remember the service of Jesus for people.
9 January 2021
Speaker: Nicholas Hold
Topic: God's love
The marks that Jesus bears in His hands will forever remind Him of all of those that He loves.
2 January 2021
Speaker: Carroll Ledbetter
The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork. Enjoy this service in praising God.
31 October 2020
Speaker: Mark Cadavero
Topic: conversion, process of rebirth, transformation
The Christian rebirth brings newness of life; love, joy, peace, and so much more…
24 October 2020
Speaker: Daniel Pitman, Danielle Chung, Elijah Chung, Isaac Pitman, Joshua Hold
Topic: overcoming
There is such a sense of accomplishment when obstacles are tackled and not avoided…
Our church sponsors three or more global mission projects each year. Jesus asked, “Who is my neighbor?” The Good Samaritan answered the question, “Any one in need of your help.”
There is a need and opportunity to build a church for a new group of believers. They are very evangelistic and the church body keeps growing but they need a house of worship.
More than half of the inmates in this prison have been baptized as Seventh-day Adventists and as a result the prison requested a chapel be built with the church maintaining ownership by contract.
Purchase of equipment, machinery, tools and irrigation system. With this investment, we would be able to develop better work in this field, not to mention how to better teach agriculture classes.
Everything rises and falls on leadership. The Leaders of the Fannin County SDA Church love God and all people. They welcome you to come by the church and meet them.
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Archeological Dig Discovers Balaam the …