4 July 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: jesus, parable, pharisee, publican, tax collector
The parable of Jesus regarding the Pharisee and the Publican or tax collector teaches deep lessons about the human heart and experience.
18 June 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: eldest brother, forgiveness, loving father, prodigal son
The Prodigal Son is a favorite parable to many people. Often due to the love the father has for his son but what about the eldest brother?
21 May 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: jesus, parable, persistent widow, prayer, unrighteous judge
Jesus shared the parable of the persistent widow and unrighteous judge to teach us the necessity of constant prayer and connection with God.
7 May 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: ask, knock, persistence, seek
Jesus taught the importance of repetitive asking. Persistence with God brings blessings that we would not otherwise have.
15 April 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
This short and powerful parable that Jesus told is full of the most important meaning for our salvation and eternal life.
2 April 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Jesus shared a parable about the growth of a seed and how it represents our spiritual growth. There is so much to learn from it.
20 March 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Jesus likened the Kingdom of Heaven to hidden treasure and a pearl of great price. Just what did He mean by this?
5 March 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
The parable of the wheat and the tares is deep in meaning and teaches us practical, valuable lessons for life.
18 February 2023
Series: Parable Lessons with Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: good ground, good seed, jesus, parable, son of man, sower, thorns, wayside
The simplicity and yet deep lessons that Jesus teaches in the parable of the Sower are open for all to learn from.