8 January 2022
Speaker: Don Yancheson
New Year resolutions can be short-lived and are often made a joke of. There is a better way to secure lasting changes in your life.
31 December 2021
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Jesus explained that it is hard to put new wine into old wineskins, that it is hard for people set in their ways to change their beliefs.
25 December 2021
Speaker: Nicholas Hold
Topic: christmas, gospel commission, send
Jesus was sent to earth by the Father that He might send us to reach out to others and invite them to the marriage supper of the Lamb.
17 December 2021
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Emmanuel, “God With Us”, is a most precious truth to Christians that find wonderful comfort in knowing how close God wants to come to us.
13 December 2021
Speaker: Pastor Fancher
Carroll Ledbetter was a child of the King and is now asleep to await the resurrection of the righteous to be caught up to be with the Lord.
12 December 2021
Speaker: Pastor Fancher
Have you ever wondered just how deep is God’s love for you and how often does He think of you? How long will He remember you?
4 December 2021
Speaker: Ronnie Hold
The birth of Jesus is a very significant event for many people all around the world and His birth is celebrated this time of the year.
27 November 2021
Speaker: Derek Morris
Topic: thanks, thanksgiving
Thankfulness is essential to the health of the body, mind, and spirit. Jesus offers us so much to be thankful for starting with Himself.
20 November 2021
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Nadab and Abihu were Moses’ nephews, sons of Aaron. They were spoiled, evil, and were punished for being disrespectful.