
Why Didn’t Zoar Burn When Sodom and Gomorrah Did?

The Story of Sodom and Gomorrah: A Tale of Judgment, Mercy, and the Survival of Zoar The biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah is one of the most compelling and cautionary narratives in the Scriptures, found in Genesis 18-19. It tells the story of divine judgment upon two cities consumed by wickedness, contrasted with the[…]

The Pearl Health Center

The Pearl Health Center The Fannin County Seventh-day Adventist church helped the Pearl Health Center in 2018. They helped complete the kitchen and dining room to serve the lifestyle patients. Since then, the Pearl staff has served hundreds of patients, helping people overcome physical, mental, and emotional diseases.  With pure love for Jesus, the primary[…]

Church Plant in Romania

Church Plant in Romania The little church is located in a small village with 508 residents.  The first Seventh-day Adventist in this village is now 84 years old and he donated to the Romanian Conference a part of his land to build a church. The Conference owns the property and the building and they promised to[…]

A Message From Elder Wilson

Elder Ted Wilson’s Pastoral Sermon Elder Ted Wilson, the President of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists delivers a very thought provoking message. With the COVID pandemic and all of the other events taking place around the world it is a most important message.

Church Revival Series

Do You Need A Blessing? I think we can all agree that situations in the world over the last couple of years have put a strain on different aspects of our lives. Research shows the physical, mental, and spiritual health of millions have been negatively affected.  If you run any kind of a machine for[…]

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