10 July 2021
Speaker: Mark Cadavero
Topic: jesus, woman at the well
The scene of Jesus with the woman at the well is beautiful and we can learn a lot when we look closely with the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment.
3 July 2021
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: amalekites, battle, children of israel, israelites, war, wilderness
Consider the miraculous battle between the Israelites and the Amalekites and learn about holding up the hands of the leaders.
26 June 2021
Speaker: Carroll Ledbetter
Everyone wants to be happy whether they know it or not and many people are looking for happiness in the wrong places.
19 June 2021
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Jesus provided many miracles for the children of Israel as they wandered through the wilderness and He wants to do the same for us today.
12 June 2021
Speaker: Stephen Reese
Topic: budgeting, stewardship, testaments, wills
With 78% of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck, there is a great need for an understanding of budgeting.
12 June 2021
Speaker: Stephen Reese
While Christian’s sojourn here on Earth it is important to know how to manage finances. It is part of being a good steward.
5 June 2021
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: children of israel, exodus, manna, wilderness
When the children of israel wandered in the wilderness God took care of their food by providing them with manna, Angel’s Food.
29 May 2021
Do you have seemingly unanswered prayers? Do you wonder if God hears you? You know, God considers all things.
22 May 2021
Speaker: Ronnie Hold
Topic: christian experience
Ronnie Hold loves to share what makes up practical Christianity. Elements like Bible Study, prayer, and sharing God’s Love.