19 February 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: exodus, moses, sanctuary, tabernacle, wilderness
The Bible says in Psalm 77:13, “Thy Way, O God, is in the Sanctuary.” With such a statement as this of the sanctuary, we should study it.
12 February 2022
Speaker: Mark Cadavero
Topic: jesus, let this mind be in you, mind, transformation
Paul explains the awesome stepping down of Jesus from being God to serve all of mankind and we are called to have the mind of Jesus.
6 February 2022
Series: Three Angel's Messages
Speaker: Carl Martin
Pulling it all together, consider what will happen when everything on earth falls apart, leading up to the Second Coming.
6 February 2022
Series: Three Angel's Messages
Speaker: Carl Martin
Topic: garden of eden, heaven, new jerusalem
Take a journey to your heavenly home, based on the Bible’s description of the kingdom. What will it be like to meet your guardian angel?
6 February 2022
Series: Three Angel's Messages
Speaker: Carl Martin
What are the current foreshadowings of the devastating events proclaimed by the Third Angel? How can we be ready, with spiritual discernment?
5 February 2022
Series: Three Angel's Messages
Speaker: Carl Martin
Topic: babylon, fall, second angel
The second angel of Revelation 14 speaks about the fall of Babylon. What is Babylon? Why and how has it fallen and what is its impact on us?
5 February 2022
Series: Three Angel's Messages
Speaker: Carl Martin
What is the First Angel’s Message about, and what is it that hinders it’s advancement across the world? How does a walk with God prepare us?
23 January 2022
Speaker: Pastor Fancher
Time is an interesting concept, we have the past, the now, and the future. Discover some Biblical truths on the concept of time.
15 January 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Nadab and Abihu did not respect the ways of the Lord and their influence brought evil into the nation of Israel.