23 April 2022
Speaker: Ronnie Hold
King David had a life of ups and downs but he faithfully would come through with trusting God to lead his life.
16 April 2022
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
The Passover feast shows in every particular that Jesus is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
9 April 2022
Speaker: Pastor Fancher
Topic: canaanite woman, crumbs, dog
Jesus used a most vivid way to help the disciples understand that He was here for everyone and not the Jewish nation alone.
3 April 2022
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: communion, foot washing, service
The communion service is a special time of remembering that Jesus came to serve and calls Christians to a life of loving service.
27 March 2022
Speaker: Rudy Bata
Topic: arrows, contentment, death, east window, elisha, joash, prophet
Discover a few of the last events of the prophet Elisha’s life involving King Joash and the prophecy Elijah with Rudy Bata.
19 March 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
There are two quail stories from the Exodus of Israel in the Bible. Both events teach us valuable lessons about being a Christian.
12 March 2022
Speaker: Don Yancheson
Topic: last day events, second coming, time, time running out
With the world events taking place around us, Christians should recognize that the Second Coming of Jesus is close. What should we do?
5 March 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: complain, contentment, discontentment, fire, mixed multitude, moses, pride, taberah
Dissatisfaction and complaining while under the guidance and blessings of God are disrespectful and quite prideful. Keep them from your life.
26 February 2022
Speaker: Ronnie Hold
Topic: body, body of christ, church, gospel commission, members, mission, spread the gospel, talents
The Christian Church is symbolized by the body. Each and every part has it’s role to perform for overall wellness and success.