1 January 2023
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: ark of the covenant, jericho, joshua, shout, trumpets
Jericho was a strong fortress with walls that could not be conquered, but the Israelite people had God on their side.
24 December 2022
Speaker: Don Yancheson
A person’s perspective on the Christmas season changes over time, and Don shares many of his memories.
18 December 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: caleb, jordan river crossing, joshua, red sea crossing
From the Red Sea to the Jordan River, the wilderness experiences of the Israelites provide Christians today with many valuable lessons.
10 December 2022
Speaker: Dennis Millburn
Topic: god, providence
God is constantly sending communications to us that will guide us into paths of happiness and fulfillment. Learn to see His providences.
4 December 2022
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Jesus gave much more of Himself for lost humanity than many people know. Before and after the cross, sacrifices were made that cause wonder.
27 November 2022
Speaker: Duane Maracle
Discover that there is a lot to learn from the message of Jesus to the Church of Laodicea in the Book of Revelation, chapter 3.
20 November 2022
Series: Lessons from the Wilderness
Just before Israel went into Canaan, they sinned against the Lord when they worshipped Baal Peor in pagan rituals.
12 November 2022
Speaker: Phil Mills
There are consequences to not being truthful, and those consequences can be much further reaching than we may realize, according to the Bible.
6 November 2022
Speaker: Derek Morris
Philip, the deacon, had several experiences after accepting the call of God to ministry. Get the highlights.