8 February 2025
Speaker: Master Chorale
Topic: bruce ashton, God's love, jesus, master chorale, redemption, sacrafice, salvation
The Master Chorale sings the wonderous love of God in sweet tones of melody and harmony. If you listen closely you can hear the angels joining in.
14 April 2024
Speaker: Duane Maracle
Topic: God's love, paul, prodigal son, strong, weakness
The Apostle Paul had profound thoughts to share about God using the weak things of the earth to confound the wise. Powerful message.
10 March 2024
Speaker: Derek Morris
Topic: agape, God's love, jesus, parable, prodigal son, unconditional
Jesus told a profound parable illustrating the absolute, unconditional, and immeasurable love of God with the story of a prodigal son.
30 July 2022
Speaker: Darron Boyd
Topic: God's love, islam, love, martyr, middle east, miracles, missionaries, missionary, muslilm, romans 8:38, separation
The prayer in Romans 8:38 says that nothing, absolutely nothing, can separate us from the Love of God. Do you believe this?
9 January 2021
Speaker: Nicholas Hold
Topic: God's love
The marks that Jesus bears in His hands will forever remind Him of all of those that He loves.