22 September 2024
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: clean, foot washing, humility, submission
Submission of our hearts to the will of God is a struggle but yields the wonderful fruit of love, peace, joy and so much more.
22 April 2024
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: communion, foot washing, passover
The Communion Service reminds us we are to be servants to our neighbors. Jesus taught love and service towards all people.
2 October 2022
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: communion, foot washing, last supper, passover
Communion commemorates the acts of Jesus’ last days on the earth; washing the feet of His disciples and giving His live to set all of us free.
3 April 2022
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: communion, foot washing, service
The communion service is a special time of remembering that Jesus came to serve and calls Christians to a life of loving service.