21 December 2024
The birth of Jesus means a lot to the world and specifically Christians. One powerful benefit is to live a life free from the bondage of sin.
16 December 2023
Speaker: Pastor Rusu
Topic: advent, christmas, incarnation, jesus, messiah
The incarnation of Jesus is a great mystery, God with us, one in our flesh and bone, and experiences of life. What amazing Love!
24 December 2022
Speaker: Don Yancheson
A person’s perspective on the Christmas season changes over time, and Don shares many of his memories.
25 December 2021
Speaker: Nicholas Hold
Topic: christmas, gospel commission, send
Jesus was sent to earth by the Father that He might send us to reach out to others and invite them to the marriage supper of the Lamb.
4 December 2021
Speaker: Ronnie Hold
The birth of Jesus is a very significant event for many people all around the world and His birth is celebrated this time of the year.