love comes down and flows out
Global Mission Projects
Our church sponsors three or more global mission projects each year. Jesus asked, “Who is my neighbor?” The Good Samaritan answered the question, “Any one in need of your help.”

2025, 1st Quarter
Philippine Prison Ministry
More than half of the inmates in this prison have been baptized as Seventh-day Adventists and as a result the prison requested a chapel be built with the church maintaining ownership by contract.

2024, 3rd & 4th Quarter
Agriculture, Brazil
Purchase of equipment, machinery, tools and irrigation system. With this investment, we would be able to develop better work in this field, not to mention how to better teach agriculture classes.

2024, 1st & 2nd Quarter
There is an urgent need for a refrigerator, stove, and two washing machines. These are appliances for a lifestyle center.

1st Quarter
The Pearl Health Center
This is for the kitchen, diningroom, wash rooms, and entryway for staff and students. Windows, doors, tiles, flooring, septic, electric.

2nd Quarter
Van in the Philippines
This is a van for the Only Seven Ministries in the Philippines who need this van for their Bible studies, VBS, and transportation of the sick to the hospital.

3rd & 4th Quarter
Kono Ministry Facility
The Kono Ministry Facility will provide year-round training to help enhance and facilitate discipleship among the Kono people.
The construction of housing will provide lodging for trainees, trainers and workers, affording stable housing without the annual increases in rent.

1st Quarter
Desert Tree Ministry, Africa
This is for a brick-and-cement home with a tin roof and cement floor that will be used for a ministry staff.

2nd Quarter
Romanian Church Plant
This small group of people are starting a church in a remote village in Romania.

3rd & 4th Quarters
Mobile Medical Clinic for Ukraine
The people of Ukraine have many needs and we have decided to try to meet some of the medical needs through this mobile clinic.

1st Quarter
Great River People
This people group in Southeast Asia will benefit from your donations, which will be used to share the gospel in…

2nd & 3rd Quarters
Gospel Workers in China
$700 per month will support two Gospel workers in an unentered city. How many Gospel workers do you want to support?

4th Quarter
Bibles for Tanzania, Africa
Kibidula is reaching out to the surrounding areas and wants to spread Bibles to those who cannot afford one and would love to have one.

2nd & 3rd Quarters
Gogodala Housing Project
Help build a home for a missionary family, like those pictured above, so they can be closer to the Gogodala People in the swamps of…

4th Quarter
Palawano Students
Donations for this quarter will be added to a student scholarship Fund, used to help young people on the island of Palawan in the…

1st Quarter
Malinke Project Expansion
Since 1996, there has been an AFM project located in Kangaba, Mali…

2nd Quarter
Tawbuid: People of the Highlands
Establish a group of Christians amongst the Tawbuid people…

3rd & 4th Quarter
Ukraine: Nash Dom Center
Since 1997, Nash Dom has been bringing the gospel to the people of Ukraine through…