Church Directory


Church Directory

The church directory is for members of the Fannin Seventh-day Adventist church. 

Access the Church Directory

The Church Directory provides the name, address, phone, and email of each church member with a photo. Before you access the directory you must be a part of it. Contact Kerry Fannon to be added to the directory.

Once added to the directory, it can be accessed via a website or mobile app.

Via Website

Go to to create your account. Here you must use the same email address that you used when asking for your account to be created. This is the email address sent to Kerry Fannon. 

Once your account has been created you will be able to log in at 

Via Mobile App

You can find the app in either Apple’s App Store or Google Play. Search for Instant Church Directory and the icon looks like this.

Once you have installed the mobile app you will log in or create an account using the same email used to create your account.

The Church Directory Printed

To get a copy of the directory to print, please contact Kerry Fannon.

Get Technical Help

If you are having problems with the directory please contact Bill Wynne.

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